Phone call to old lady for organized stalking

The underemployed idle security, intelligence agency officials in panaji, goa continued to stalk the obc engineer, wasting tax payer money to make phone calls. On 26 december 2015 at around 4 pm , the official made a phone call to an old lady with spectacles, wearing a green sari, worn in traditional maharastrian style in Lake view colony, panaji, goa. The old lady was told to go out of house, that someone would come to meet her outside.

So the obc domain investor who was walking on the road on her way to the house, was approached by the old lady, who asked her whether she was the person sent by the person making the phone call. It is not known whether a person was actually sent to meet the old lady or it was a crank call to the old lady to irritate the obc domain investor and waste the time of the elderly lady.

It appears that in panaji, there is an idle official, whose ability to predict the position of a person remains very good, yet is wasted stalking the harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor for years. There are so many problems in panaji, goa and elsewhere, where his skills and ability could be better utilized, yet why waste time stalking a harmless single woman for years. Who authorizes the waste of tax payer money