Audio spying on OBc engineer and exporter

As part of the endless corporate espionage a harmless innocent obc engineer and exporter has been subjected to, audio surveillance has been used to monitor all activities and make plans to harass her. Though there are many voice recording spyware tools available, allegedly mobile phones are widely used to monitor all activity in a room . Then a decision will be taken on how to harass, exploit or cheat the obc engineer.

Tthe microphone in the mobile phone will be used to pick up all the sounds in the room, and either the mobile network or hidden wifi network will be used to transmit the sound signals to a central monitoring facility, The information will then be interpreted by specialized agents deployed for a particular person, who often have extremely limited knowledge and make major errors.

Officially the reason for spying on a civilian with no powers will be a national security threat or involved in an illegal activity. However often a harmless civilian will find that they are under surveillance for corporate reasons, like a hostile takeover, personal hatred or greed.