“Bring me the head of the dog” Khashoggi killing ordered on Skype

One of the problems in giving great powers to young people, is that they are often fairly rash, and take decisions without thinking of the consequences.
For example the killing of Saudi Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi was allegedly ordered on Skype, with the message “Bring me the head of the dog” acccording to media sources worldwide

However it appears that the killers and their boss were not aware of the fact that Skype is a very insecure method of communication.
The voice call was allegedly retrieved from the servers, and the Turkish agencies allegedly have got a copy of the voice call . So though young people are aware of the latest technologies they are not aware of the loopholes of the technology ,like leaving digital footprints which can be used at a later date.

The killers were extremely professional in ensuring that everyone left the Saudi embassy within 12 hours of the killing for Saudi Arabia, so that the Turkish government could not take any action. The body was also allegedly dissolved in acid, to leave no trace. However their incomplete understanding of technology, electronic gadgets , software Iwatch, Skype ensured that the whole world had detailed logs, audio recordings dand information about one of the most widely covered killings in the last decade