Indian not covering CBI murder/torture/BK Bansal case properly

Though there are many innocent harmless indian citizens whose life has been destroyed by cbi, security agencies , the indian media has not covered these cases properly. Though the matter is far serious compared to BCCI and other matters which get front page coverage , the CBI torture, suicide/murder of BK Bansal family has not got the media coverage it deserved. Times of India has only a small article on the incident, and the goan local newspapers have also ignored the incident, so that the cbi officials involved continue with their atrocities on harmless indian citizens for personal gain or hatred.

Just because cbi officials wanted to steal the resume, of india’s largest female domain investor for their mediocre lazy greedy fraud relatives, sex partners , friends who were too mediocre to answer JEE or get their own engineering degree, and get their fraud relatives, friends and sex partners lucrative R&AW/CBI jobs with fake resumes,these cbi, security agency officials have been making completely fake allegations without any proof at all, against a harmless single woman engineer, domain investor for more than 6 years.

To get a good resume,most people will work very hard studying for years , only cbi officials like nayak, mandrekar, hathwar, kodancha, caro are abusing their powers to make completely fake allegations without proof against a harmless obc single woman engineer, to steal her impressive resume for their lazy greedy mediocre fraud friends and relatives and get all these frauds government jobs.
The family of BK bansal for harassed for a few months by CBI and they committed “suicide” , the harmless obc engineer has been defamed, cheated, tortured and exploited by cbi, intelligence and security agencies for more than 6 years, and it is extremely difficult to get help because the mainstream media in India is ignoring the atrocities of CBI, and other indian intelligence, security agencies.

If the indian media will be honest and carry the news of all those, especially the innocent citizens whose life has been destroyed by indian intelligence and security agencies especially cbi, it will be a great deterrent to ensure that the employees of these agencies do not abuse their powers or indulge in human rights abuses on harmless citizens.,