It Was Great to Hear That My Old Friend is Doing So Well at This

I knew that a buddy of mine had been having a lot of trouble paying bills for a couple of years. He then decided to go a different direction with his career, and the last I heard, he was doing really well for himself. I thought this was fantastic, and I told him so when I ran into him one day at the mall. I asked him what he was doing, and he said that after reading a Ewen Chia review thanks to a friend’s advice, he signed up for Ewen’s training course that taught him how to become a really successful affiliate marketer.

My friend said that if I was interested in hearing more, we should go to lunch together that day so that we could talk about it. I could not pass up that offer, and we went to a really nice Chinese food restaurant. This particular restaurant is rather expensive, so I told him that I would pay for our lunch. He said our meal was on him because he was really doing well money-wise, and paying for the two of us would not be a problem at all. We spent the next two hours discussing everything that he does now thanks to the course he bought. I knew then that I wanted to try to test the waters to see if could become successful, too.

I was told that it would not be a good idea for me to go it a lone if I wanted to ensure that I did really well. That is because there is a lot to learn, and it can take a lot of time. However, getting in on the course to learn wold be a fast path to getting to where I wanted to go. I signed up as soon as I got home, and already feel like I know quite a bit from the helpful videos.