SEX BRIBES for permanent RAW jobs in the indian internet sector

Some powerful ntro, raw, cbi, security agency officials in India are taking SEX BRIBES from lazy greedy young inexperienced young women to falsely claim that these mediocre young women, half their age, were their btech 1993 ee classmate, own domain names, and the paypal account of their real btech 1993 EE classmate to get the sex bribe givers permanent RAW jobs with salary, pension, great powers. Goa’s notorious SEX BRIBE QUEENS RAW employees goan gsb fraud diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, goan obc bhandari sex bribe giver stalker slim bsc sunaina are REAL LIFE EXAMPLES of raw employee in 2016 who have given SEX BRIBES to fake their resume, investment for indian government records.
Shockingly the indian intelligence and security agencies consider these GOAN SEX BRIBE QUEENS RAW employees respectable,when they are no better than call girls and frauds in an indication of the rot in indian society . The news of the goan sex bribe queen RAW employees has been published online, so that internet users are aware of the raw, cbi, ntro online fraud, though the mainstream media refuses to publish the news of of the SEX SCANDAL FOR RAW JOBS.

If you know of any other women like GOAN sex bribe queens raw employees siddhi sunaina who have no self respect and have SEX BRIBED their way to top government and othe jobs please send your story

Pain ray used to torture harmless indian domain investors, paypal account holders

In India due to the misplaced healthcare priorities of indian intelligence agencies, a huge amount of indian tax payer money is wasted to ruin the health, finances and cause great pain to harmless indian citizens, especially domain investors, paypal account holders misusing the pain ray or active denial system(ADS) which the indian intelligence, security agency officials have access to for national security .
Any other harmless indian domain investor, paypal account holder or indian resident being ruthlessly tortured using these invisible hitech weapons, which cause great pain, can send their details to and check Healthcare website for more information.

Smartphone costing Rs 251 from Ringing bells

Most newspapers carried the news of the smartphone Freedom251 from a Ghaziabad company Ringing bells which offering full featured smart phone called freedom251 costing Rs 250. The phone seller was promising delivery by June 2016 and online booking had opened on February 2016. However experts are claiming that the smartphone could not cost less than Rs 2500 with the specifications provided. In addition to the media attention, the phone seller has also got a lot of police and income tax department attention with his passport being confiscated.
The freedom251 phone seller said he would be revealing his business model in a few days time. With delivery charges of Rs 40 per phone, the phone seller has already collected Rs 73 crore in online booking and reached their target of 25 lakh mobile phone preorders. Whether he will actually deliver the phone as specified, only time will tell. To get details of the cheap mobile phones available in India check Mobile phones comparison . Phone sellers can send their product specifications for a free listing to Expensive mobiles are also stolen in India, more details at stolen smartphones

Canning and preserving food

Compared to other countries a large part of the fresh agro produce, vegetables like brinjals, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, fruits like bananas, papayas, oranges, chikoos, seafood like fish, crabs are wasted due to poor food processing systems and lack of storage facilities which require refrigeration. Firms and individuals providing information, technology, expertise, supplying equipment on how to preserve and can food can send their details for a free listing at canning and preserving. Specifically interested in suppliers of aloe vera processing equipment

Officials in India told to criminally torture harmless domain investors

n a reflection of poor governance in India, powerful cruel criminal security agency officials are told to specifically stalk and criminally torture harmless domain investors to cause great pain for the goals of corporates like google,tata, especially in panaji, goa. The criminal security and intelligence agency official can easily leave the harmless civilian at home alone, as she is not breaking any law or harming any person.
However in panaji, goa the officials controlling expensive directed energy weapons are cruel criminals, who have no work, other than monitor the laptop, internet connection of a harmless single woman obc engineer and torture her repeatedly in a day to cause great pain falsely claiming national security when they are blinded by the sex and other bribes of the shameless fraud R&AW/CBI employees, like goan gsb fraud extortionist housewife riddhi nayak who looks like kangana ranaut, obc bhandari slut bsc sunaina, brahmin fraud nayanshree hathwar, who falsely claim to own the domain names

These criminal officials in panaji, goa make it difficult for the obc engineer to work on the computer for 15 minutes during the day. The obc engineer being tortured will have to procure an expensive electrosmog meter TES-593 to document the daily human rights abuses of the criminal intelligence and security agency officials posted at Panaji, Goa. More details of the daily human rights abuses, torture are documented at Electronic torture methods.

Fraud R&AW Brahmin employee nayanshree hathwar’s criminal relatives, friends torture obc engineer again

The criminal FRAUD BRAHMIN relatives, friends of the section 420 cheater bengaluru shivalli brahmin housewife R&AW employee bbm nayanshree hathwar again criminally assaulted the harmless obc engineer who the BRAHMIN FRAUD r&aw EMPLOYEE nayashree hathwar has impersonated to get the R&AW job.
The fraud shameless ntro official puneet falsely claims that the brahmin fraud r&aw employee bbm nayanshree hathwar, who does not know the abc of engineering was his btech 1993 EE classmate, to steal the impressive resume of his obc engineering classmate for the SHIVALLI BRAHMIN FRAUD nayanshree and get her a lucrative R&AW job.
Now the cruel CRIMINAL RELATIVES and friends of the bengaluru shivalli brahmin fraud R&AW employee nayanshree hathwar are ruthless in stalking and torturing the harmless obc engineer who the fraud R&AW employee brahmin nayanshree hathwar is impersonating. On 31 January 2016, the criminal gang of R&AW employee repeatedly criminally attacked the obc engineer twice after 5.30 pm to cause great pain in a slow murder attempt

Though the fraud nayanshree hathwar is not doing any work online, her cruel fraud relatives and friends hathwar, kodancha are making fake claims, that she owns this domain name and related paypal account, so that the wastage of tax payer on paying the lazy greedy FRAUD BRAHMIN housewife nayanshree hathwar can be justified,

One day ticket cost for Supersonic/Sunburn – Rs 3000+

NTRO, CBI have been wasting tax payer money to monitor, torture a harmless single woman obc engineer, Paypal account holder for more than 5 years falsely claiming that national security matters, black money are involved, when actually they want to sexually harass her. Almost all the transactions of the obc engineer are cheque, a small amount less than Rs 15000 a month will be withdrawn for daily expenses like food, bill payment, travel.

In comparison for the recent EDM festivals in goa the ticket for a single day cost Rs 3000+, so for a 4 day festival, the ticket would have cost Rs 12000. Additionally food, beverages were extremely expensive with a beer costing Rs 250 for a glass, according to a media report. Yet the thousands of people who attended the EDM festivals had complete freedom, with no monitoring, though they must have spent Rs 20000 or more for a 4 day event.

Can cbi, ntro, R&AW explain why the obc engineer is being monitored, tortured for 5 years, though she has and spends very little money, while those who spend Rs 20000 for a 4 day event for entertainment only are not monitored at all, though people on TV were saying that the EDM festivals are known for drugs and commercial sex

Phone call to old lady for organized stalking

The underemployed idle security, intelligence agency officials in panaji, goa continued to stalk the obc engineer, wasting tax payer money to make phone calls. On 26 december 2015 at around 4 pm , the official made a phone call to an old lady with spectacles, wearing a green sari, worn in traditional maharastrian style in Lake view colony, panaji, goa. The old lady was told to go out of house, that someone would come to meet her outside.

So the obc domain investor who was walking on the road on her way to the house, was approached by the old lady, who asked her whether she was the person sent by the person making the phone call. It is not known whether a person was actually sent to meet the old lady or it was a crank call to the old lady to irritate the obc domain investor and waste the time of the elderly lady.

It appears that in panaji, there is an idle official, whose ability to predict the position of a person remains very good, yet is wasted stalking the harmless single woman obc engineer, domain investor for years. There are so many problems in panaji, goa and elsewhere, where his skills and ability could be better utilized, yet why waste time stalking a harmless single woman for years. Who authorizes the waste of tax payer money

From an Idea to Lines of Code

There have been so many success stories about people who have made their own apps and put them online for other people to download. There is one guy who made a simple app where you control a bird who flies up and down while dodging some pipes. It’s the simplest game you can ever think of, yet people downloaded it by the millions. The simplest ideas are the ones that really make you frustrated, because you realize that you could have done it too. I contacted a Singapore app developer for an idea that I had for a game.

My game wasn’t as simple as the one with the bird and the pipes. My game was a platform game with action moves. Continue reading “From an Idea to Lines of Code”

One is Better Than the Other

Seeing one Ewen Chia review was enough for me to become a believer in marketing. I was unemployed when I first started marketing. Any money that I was making at the time was essentially crowd source work. The work was so random and sporadic that I didn’t know when I would be getting my next task to make more money, and even then I would be competing with other people to get the same task. If someone else got to the task before me, I would be out of luck and would have to find something else to fill the void.

Without the work, I would be left without any way to pay my bills. Continue reading “One is Better Than the Other”