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Kindly note that ntro, raw, cbi employees and their associates like 2005 bbm bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, panaji sindhi scammer school dropout naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil,karan, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, siddhi mandrekar, riddhi nayak caro, asmita patel, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge, greedy gujju stock broker asmita patel are not associated with the website in any way since they do not pay any domain expenses at all, though the indian and state governments especially goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, haryana government are making fake claims DUPING domain registries, registrars and ICANN in a major DOMAIN, FINANCIAL FRAUD for the last 10 years allegedly bribed by google, tata to increase the profit of these companies. These frauds are not on talking terms with the domain investor yet make fake claims about her domains, bank account and get monthly salaries indicating extremely high levels of fraud, CORRUPTION, BRIBERY in the indian internet sector

To cover up FINANCIAL FRAUD, CYBERCRIME citizens talking loudly falsely labelled mentally unsound

The FIR filed against rhea chakraborty by KK singh, the father of actor sushant singh rajput, shows how declaring hardworking people mentally unsound has become a big racket in India, especially in some places like panaji, goa
People who are hardworking and have saved money are being harassed all the time, especially if they are single and are always being threatened that they will be sent to a mental asylum.
For example if some one will speak loudly on the mobile phone, because the other person cannot hear, or there is a lot of background noise, they are treated like mentally unsound persons. If the person speaks loudly because they are upset, they are threatened with electric shocks

It is very risky to trust anyone, because large companies in the tech, internet and other sectors, are always ruthless in declaring people mentally unsound after committing cybercrime, financial fraud on them, especially if they complain.

People hearing voices are mentally tortured, they are not mentally unsound

Sushant Singh Rajput was mentally tortured, yet police falsely claim that it was a suicide
The death of Sushant Singh Rajput again highlighted the indian mainstream media’s refusal to be honest about voice to skull technology which is being used extensively for mentally torturing people all over india.
In this rediff article, hearing voices is mentioned, however, it is dismissed as a psychological disorder when it is a clear case of mental torture
www. rediff .com /movies/column/how-can-sushant-be-gone/20200614.htm
suffering a psychological disorder, were hearing voices.
Subhash K Jha
Most people are not trained electrical engineers so they do not understand the technology being used. The domain investor was tortured using this technology nearly a decade ago, yet being a trained engineer, she was able to deal with it and now a number of people have contacted her including a person from Patna a few weeks ago. He also confirmed that a large number of people, especially in the tech sector are facing the problem.
The hearing voices technology is very sophisticated, anyone hearing voices should realize it is a mental torture technology used by security agencies. There are many ways to deal with hearing voices.
For free help for anyone who is hearing voices, please send a email to info@blogposts.in

Gujju fraudster family of cbi employee naina chandan using voice synthesis to instigate R&AW employee sunaina chodan, her sister against the domain investor

One of the more puzzling aspects of the death threat and fake allegations against the domain investor was how she was falsely accusing of shouting the name of R&AW employee sunaina chodan, her sisters, when she does not even know the name of the sisters along with defamatory words
According to sunaina’s sister, every visitor to their house was complaining that they had heard the defamatory words

The domain investor is at her mailing address for only one hour a day or less, and she is mainly reading the newspapers, gardening and doing other house work, she has no time to monitor the many visitors to sunaina’s house . Other times, she is at some other place in panaji, working on her computer,
It is more likely that the gujju fraudster family of school dropout cbi employee naina chandan, who looks like actress sneha wagh, who have a cctv camera installed, is monitoring the visitors and then sending them synthesized tapes with the modified voice of the domain investor, to their mobile phones since they have plenty of resources with intelligence and police officials reporting to naina’s husband regularly. The gujju fraud family is also circulating photoshopped videos of the domain investor. On the other hand, the domain investor has extremely limited resources in goa, she cannot even get her home waterproofed or repaired due to endless harassment

When school dropout naina chandan sent their associate edith for harassing the domain investor again, their associate edith mentioned that the domain investor was in her house for one hour or less daily for the last few months
This indicating that she was being monitored, probably by the cctv cameras which are installed in the house of cbi employee naina chandan, which are facing the road which are closely monitored by their sons nikhil, karan,
The gujju fraudster family is very cunning, they do not want to get their hands dirty harassing the domain investor, so they are using voice synthesizers to create audio tapes and send to all the visitors to the house of raw employee sunaina chodan, who are then falsely claiming that the domain investor is defaming them to issue threats

Since R&AW employee sunaina chodan and her sisters do not have a technical background, they cannot understand the technology being used and are falsely accusing the domain investor

Government allows mhow cheater ntro employee puneet to use voice to skull technology to mentally torture his btech 1993 ee classmate who he HATES

For making rs 500 per month or less mhow monster IDENTITY THIEF LIAR FRAUD ntro employee puneet wishes to ROB 50% of his engineering classmates savings
The engineer is already moving her domains away from a registrar associated with the mhow monster IDENTITY THIEF LIAR FRAUD ntro employee puneet, and she can easily move the domains away immediately if the cruel mhow monster puneet has the humanity and honesty to contact her directly and tell her that he wants the savings for using the registrar
Other registrars outside india, do not want the engineers retirement savings if the engineer registers or renews domains with them, she is just a customer. only mhow cheater puneet wants 50% of the retirement savings for spending money with his registrar.
This make the domain registrar extremely expensive, for the engineer
Instead of contacting the engineer directly and telling her what he will do, the mhow cheater puneet continues to use voice to skull technology to mentally torture the engineer, threatening her.
One of the worst aspects of using this technology is the deniability, the engineer will never be able to prove that the message was conveyed, while in other modes of communication, it can be recorded and used in the court of law.
Voice to skull is also a one way communication technology, the ntro employees can send threatening, humiliating messages to the engineer, she cannot ask them for any clarifications or details
There are only 15-20 domains with the indian domain registrar making very less money, yet mhow cheater wants 50% of the savings, the engineer has more than 400 domains with other domain registrars, yet the mhow cheater puneet continues to mentally torture the engineer, and refuses to convey the message directly to her, so that she can easily transfer the domains away

Now goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan, and her sisters are hearing voices, falsely accusing the domain investor

It now appears that j srinivasan’s enemies are attacking his sugar baby goan bhandari R&AW employee slim call girl sunaina chodan, and her sisters and they are hearing voices. They are then falsely accusing the domain investor of shouting their names, when she does not even know their names (names are only fictional based on real life incidents)

Due to the google,tata identity theft racket, banking fraud in goa since 2010, the domain investor does not know the names of most people, and the ntro radiation torture ensures that the memory cells are damaged, and she does not remember names.

If she speaks to anyone on the mobile, like the amazon delivery person, sunaina and her sisters think that she is shouting their names and are threatening the domain investor . This clearly indicates that they are not mentally stable, and are falsely accusing her. The domain investor asked these women for proof before they make the allegations

It is time that the indian government regulates the use of all equipment like voice to skull technology, memory reading, so that ntro employees do not misuse it to harass harmless citizens, and cause misunderstandings and fights.

R&AW employee in identity theft racket is now hearing voices after cunning gsb officials attack her

In goa taking advantage of the fact that shameless liar goan bhandari leaders, officials like pritesh chodankar have zero personal and professional integrity 3 lazy greedy goan gsb frauds siddhi mandrekar, riddhi caro, fraud architect kalpana, 1 gujju school dropout housewife naina chandan and one goan bhandari call girl sunaina chodan, got raw/cbi jobs for falsely claiming to have the resume, savings, paypal, bank account of a harmless hardworking single woman engineer with a better 1989 jee rank than google ceo sundar pichai with the help of fraud companies like google, tata and section 420 fraud ntro employees led by j srinivasan,mhow cheater puneet

Now the shameless goan gsb fraud officials caro, mandrekar, nayak have started harassing sunaina chodan to get more powers for goan gsb cheaters, robbers, liars riddhi caro, siddhi mandrekar, and in three months, they have managed to make sunaina get a mental breakdown, she is hearing voices and has also stopped going to office, this again confirms the fact that gsb officials are very cunning, they use the divide and rule strategy and manipulated the goan bhandari officials to get 3 lazy greeedy robber, cheater, liar greedy gsb women raw/cbi jobs with stolen identity of a harmless hardworking single woman bhandari engineer,

The shameless cunning gsb officials were aware that sunaina is not physicaly, mentally strong, so they initially supported her to steal the identity of the mentally strong engineer withd a good JEE rank, and now that the identity was ROBBED, they are close to making sunaina a mental wreck, so that the path is clear for the lazy greedy shameless goan gsb fraud robbers, cheaters and liars riddhi caro, siddhi mandrekar , architect

It appears that voice to skull technology is being by gsb officials nayak, mandrekar, caro on R&AW employee sunaina, and since she is not a trained engineer, she will not be able to figure out the technology that is being used, and the best way to deal with it. Instead she is falsely blaming others , leading to violence and more problems for herself

Though the gsb officials, ntro employees have used the same technology on the domain investor since 2010, within 4 years she understood the technology being used, and slowly learned to handle it and lead a normal life . It appears that ntro employees j srinivasan, mhow cheater puneet are also not helping their sugar baby sunaina, deal with her hearing voices problem.

MP3 player review – sample for reference

Kindly note that this sample article was written for a client who did not pay for it. If you are interested in a similar article, please send an email to info@blogposts.in or skype at nkinf@hotmail.com. More than 50 similar articles are usually supplied to customers worldwide monthly , and proof can be provided.

Most people enjoy listening to music since it helps them to relax and feel happy. However, increasingly people lead busy lives, and spend a large part of their day outside their homes, travelling or at their workplace. So they are looking for a compact and affordable music player which produces high quality music and can be easily carried wherever they wish. The ShangLing M0 Lossless MP3 Player is the newest model of MP3 player available in the market and incorporates the latest technology to produce high quality sound, while having the smallest size and lowest weight among the music players available in the market.

Kindly note that this sample article was written for a client who did not pay for it. If you are interested in a similar article, please send an email to info@blogposts.in or skype at nkinf@hotmail.com. More than 50 similar articles are usually supplied to customers worldwide monthly , and proof can be provided.

The M0 Lossless MP3 Player uses a special high density HDI PCB board from Microvia with multiple layers, so that a large number of components can be combined taking up less space. Compared to the standard PCB board used in other MP3 players, this provides better electrical connectivity and also ensures that the signal interference is minimized to get the best quality sound. The M0 player is 38% smaller than the previous M1 music player from Shanling, yet has double the power. For high quality sound the music player uses the ES9218P Sabre audio chip from ESS technologies. The tiny chip has a high quality 32 bit Quad DAC, integrated amplifier for the headphone, low output impedance and consumes very less power. The chip has a signal to noise ratio of 118dB and sampling rate of 384 kHz/32 bit.

Kindly note that this sample article was written for a client who did not pay for it. If you are interested in a similar article, please send an email to info@blogposts.in or skype at nkinf@hotmail.com. More than 50 similar articles are usually supplied to customers worldwide monthly , and proof can be provided.

We Both Like Sloane Residences

My fiance and I were looking at new condo developments in the area. We are not getting married until next year, but we wanted to get a head start on finding where we would live together as husband and wife. Right now, he has a small condo with his brother, and I still live with my parents. These arrangements will stay in place until we are married, and we just recently decided that Sloane Residences in Singapore is going to be where we live just as soon as we are married.

The good thing about Sloane Residences is that it is not even ready yet. That gives us plenty of time to just move forward at the pace we have already set for ourselves. We both picked out different condo developments, but we kept finding faults with what each other picked. When my fiance showed me the details about Sloane Residences, I am not sure who was more surprised between the two of us that I liked it just as much as he did. Continue reading “We Both Like Sloane Residences”

Moving Geese from a Public Area in a Park

Did you know that a male Canada goose can weigh 14 pounds? That is not like an 80-pound junkyard dog that wants a piece of your leg, but they can be very scary when they fly toward your face. They can make public areas, such as park and picnic areas, unusable by the public when they are nesting or migrating. Our town has a public park built next to a waterway, and we had to call Canada geese control in NJ to help get the geese to choose another spot for their activities.

Is man encroaching on the habitat of wildlife? Yes, most certainly. The park was designed and built before there was much, if any, public concern given to the migratory routes and nesting places of wild birds. The park is a busy place used even in the winter months. Continue reading “Moving Geese from a Public Area in a Park”