Are customers in electronic stores targetted for human rights abuses in Goa

It appears that customers with a certain profile are targetted for human rights abuses in electronic stores in Panaji, Goa out of hatred, casteism and greed.
Officials are monitoring all the customers and if the obc bhandari domain investor which purchase any electronic item in a store, they find out immediately and attack her using directed energy weapons, causing great pain, severe headache.
In case they are not able to attack her in the store, they will trace her activity and attack her causing great pain.
The attack is being documented in at least three different cases, so that people are aware of how the officials controlling the weapons are punishable under section 323 and 324 of the Indian penal code,
Last year – purchasing a tablet at a computer store near don bosco, a car stopped outside so that the location could be identified and then the customer was targetted causing great pain.
Last month August 2015 – computer shop in Alfran Plaza, purchased keyboard, mouse – domain investor went to stationary shop and was attacked
On 15 September 2015, mobile shop in panaji, purchased an adapator, and attacked causing great pain . the store owner was asked to move out of the store so that only the bhandari obc domain investor would experience the pain caused by the sophisticated weapons, caused an headache , loss of productivity.
It appears that the cruel fraud officials in Goa do not want the domain investor to purchase electronics offline , so that their great lies of falsely claiming that the lazy greedy cheater gsb frauds riddhi siddhi mandrekar, obc slut bsc sunaina, who offers them sex bribes, brahmin cheater nayanshree are computer experts will not be exposed.

Phone calls in Goa disconnected automatically

In an indication of the harassment domain investors face in Goa, a domain investor found that on 10/9/2015 at around 7.30 am , the phone call which a family member received was disconnected at least 7-8 times within fifteen minutes, It clearly indicated that phone calls are being closely monitored, by indian intelligence agencies, who are then misusing the sophisticated monitoring equipment at their disposal to disconnect the phone calls to harass the domain investor,
The phone calls to both the landline and mobile phone of the family member were disconnected repeatedly due to no valid reason at all, indicating that tax payer money is being wasted to harass harmless civilians.
Why has harassing the domain investor become such an important priority for local intelligence agency officials,do they have no other work, other than terminating phone calls.

Trying to Improve My Diet

I had to walk up 9 flights of stairs the other day and it was a rather upsetting thing to figure out how bad of an effect it had on me. Of course the building did not seem to have air conditioning that work and I had walked a long distance to get to this building on time for my appointment. I have decided that I need to try to improve my diet and get in much better shape. I already found a web page that has a organic store in Singapore. Continue reading “Trying to Improve My Diet”

Having a Tough Time with a Car

At a busy intersection, I was rammed from behind by a pickup truck a year ago. The accident caused me to suffer from a broken neck and wrist. I wore a cast for a few months and couldn’t go to work. The driver of the truck blamed me for the accident, even though he was the one who rammed into me. I contacted a personal injury lawyer in Ajax and filed a lawsuit against the other driver. The other driver got his own lawyer and countersued me for the damages to his truck.

Many witnesses at the scene of the accident were interviewed, but they didn’t really get a good look at the accident until it already happened. One person thought they saw the truck hit my car, but they weren’t too sure. Continue reading “Having a Tough Time with a Car”

Energy consumption of home appliances, electronic devices in India

Looking for information on the energy consumption of various electronic devices and home appliances in India for a listing on the website Home Energy information.
The energy consumption of different brands, electronic devices and appliances are needed for
1. Refrigerator
2. Mixer
3. Food processor
4. Baking oven
5. Microwave oven
6. Rice cooker
7. Roti maker
8. Laptop with 14-15″ display
9. LCD display
10. Desktop computer
11. Netbook with 10″ display
12. CRT monitor
13. Sewing machine

Please send your information to and

Want to buy radiation meters in India

Looking suitable measuring instruments for measuring high power radiation beams which are used to cause great pain to people. These beams are directed energy weapons and the pain will be experienced for a short period of time, usually less than a minute at a time. When USB dongles are used for internet connectivity especially for Idea,Vodafone, Airtel, the internet user will usually experience great pain, making it difficult to work online, forcing them to disconnect.

The instrument should measure the peak power of the radiation, radiation frequency and capture the exact time, date at which the radiation levels are high. The biological and health hazards of the high radiation levels have already been documented, extensively online and offline.

This information will be needed to appeal to human rights organization across the world so that the officials misusing the equipment can be held accountable and stop misusing these powerful invisible weapons to torture people who they hate or dislike. More details of requirement at electronic torture , email :

Why businesses should have a toll free phone number

Though digital communication methods like email and sms are inexpensive and popular, they also have a number of disadvantages. Often digital communication will be intercepted or manipulated so it will not be genuine. The recipient may receive or view the sms or email after some time, so the sender will receive a delayed response if any. Thus phone communication remains the most reliable way to communicate with people and provide information whenever they need it. Hence a free phone chatline has become the preferred method for businesses to communicate with customers and for getting assistance in an emergency.

If the potential customer will be charged for using the phone line, he or she may think twice about enquiring about the product or service which is being marketed, so the business could lose some enquiries. If the free phone chatline will be properly marketed among potential customers, a person who has a passing interest in the product or service being promoted will call up to find out more. The staff handling the phone line will then have an opportunity to convert the enquiry into a lead and even a sale, providing the potential customer all the information he or she will need.

Most businesses of all sizes will have a budget for marketing or advertising their product or service online and offline using banner ads, newspaper advertisement and out of home advertising. The free phone chatline number should be promoted on all these advertisement so that more potential customers can see the toll free number and make a phone call. The company should ensure that they have trained staff to answer all the questions asked by potential customers using the free phone chatline to improve the possibility of converting the enquiries into orders. If the staff does not have an answer immediately, they should note down customer details to be able to call at a later date.

The real reason for the decline in mobile phone sales

On May 18 2015 a large number of websites in India have carried the identical news of the decline in the mobile phone sales. Not a single website in India has bothered to analyze the real reason for the decline, a close kept shocking secret which would leave people shocked and disgusted at the denial of fundamental rights in a democracy like india.
The corrupt top officials in india’s technical intelligence agencies like NTRO are free to steal the resume of any person, especially female engineers who they hate for the mediocre lazy greedy cheater women who bribe these officials with FREE SEX or these officials are infatuated with .
An obc engineer with an electrical engineering degree in 1993 from a top engineering college in india finds that her fraud mainly brahmin classmates, allegedly J srinivasan and P are falsely claiming that goan call girls cheater 2012 diploma holder siddhi mandrekar, 2013 bsc sunaina, 2005 BBM brahmin cheater nayanshree hathwar, goan brahmin fraud riddhi and other women , were their engineering college classmate, stealing her resume, and have got all these cheater women permanent governmemt jobs allegedly in R&AW with the stolen resume.
Now none of these greedy vvip cheater women bothered to study for an engineering degree , yet because of fraud casteist powerful officials in the the indian internet sector who steal resumes of female engineers , the obc engineer finds that all her phone calls, smses are diverted to cheater call girls who sleep with her sex starved engineering college classmates and brahmin cheaters who her classmates are infatuated with.
Now the goan greedy pampered fraud call girl siddhi who commited corporate espionage on the obc engineer now demands a bribe for sms, email delivery and letting phone calls through to the obc engineer, as the powerful officials the goan call girl bribes with FREE SEX are extremely powerful and worship her for her criminal tendencies. In other cases, the leads in electronic format are diverted to competitors.

Effectively the mobile phone of the obc engineer has become a money making tool for the goan brahmin scammer duo riddhi siddhi, sunaina, nayanshree hathwar because of the diversion of phone calls,smses to these greedy lazy cheater call girls, brahmins with stolen resumes . Despite complaining and filing RTI request the obc engineer has not been able to trace the cheaters who are diverting her phone calls. Proof has been posted online at electronic communication theft . Disgusted she now has reduced mobile usage and it is kept switched off most of the time,

When there is no guarantee that any phone call, sms will reach her, why should a mobile user waste money on getting an expensive mobile or using the mobile phone extensively. Apparently a large number of people in India are now aware of the diversion of their mobile phone calls, smses to well connected people and their competitors, to make these well connected people richer. Till a decade ago, people managed without mobiles. Today realizing that they cannot do anything to stop the diversion of phone calls, smses, they now are just not purchasing mobiles

Destroying evidence of phone number misuse fraud

The frauds who got a new Aircel connection misusing the obc engineers phone number are now trying to cover up their fraud. Abusing the powers they have got They have deleted the sms which aircel had sent the obc engineer as proof of the fraud mobile phone connection taken using her mobile phone number.

These customer support of Air** tried to trivialize the matter falsely claiming that the number was being misused by a friend of the obc engineer without her permission. However after 5 years of harassment the obc engineer knows that she has no friends who will help her in an emergency, the defamation campaign launched by powerful officials out of hatred and greed, wasting a huge amount of tax payer money, has been very successful,

Allegedly powerful officials instigated by google, tata, paypal and other companies are falsely claiming that their lazy greedy cheater friends and relatives are the friends of the obc engineer to justify the exploitation and human rights atrocities the obc engineer has been subjected to, and to justify the diversion of the correspondence, When these greedy cheater women will not reply or contact the obc engineer, how are these officials falsely claiming that their fraud friends and relatives are connected to the obc engineer these women are ruthlessly cheating to get great powers for themselves.

More details at Electronic communication theft